From previous posts, you will see that we’ve produced a growing number of prints. The purpose of the work is primarily in the process of “thinking and making” as demonstrated in these two videos:
At the William Morris Gallery June 2016
At the Maximum Wage event in March 2016
However, we are faced with the question of what to do with the resulting body of work. We’ve given some prints away but we want to provide context for the ideas discussed in producing them.
The production of 27 books from some of the prints is now near completion; each book is unique (non-fungible) and is made from one print. Typically we produced 5 prints for each edition but each copy is unique because it is a manual process; the colour densities and positioning of the images at each stage will vary slightly. Every book contains the same 10 phrases related to money and value.
To enlarge images, right click on the image and open in a new tab.