This work builds on the foundations laid since January 2012 that started with Critical Thinking at the Free University.
From Critical Thinking’s work evolved a methodology that facilitates polymathic research and analysis to co-create a shared understanding of reality. CoCreative Learning is a free, open source methodology for others to use, share and adapt as they choose.
CoCreative Learning underpins the work of MacroRisk Connect that seeks to engage people in the global finance and business community in exploration of the foundations of today’s political economy. MacroRisk Connect has now expanded its focus to collaborate with others on the co-creative development of tokenisation projects to discover, capture, store and transfer the value and quality of human activity.
Critical Thinking’s final analysis was published in October 2019, since when, the work we’ve been involved in has been recorded and shared via Outersite.
Since mid 2020, Alex and Clive have been participating in the ITU – Digital Currency Global Initiative working groups. Our purpose is to encourage exploration of money, its nature, causes and effects and to share ideas for human value systems beyond merely replicating current money in digital form.
Structure and Perceptions
Structural utterances: Without and within the context of ‘no context’ was published in Design Ecologies, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 June 2019, pp. 96-126. Permission has been given to publish the original draft here.
Structural Utterances – without & within the context of no context by Eddie Farrell (December 2018)
When I began work on this text, well over six months ago I wanted to bring together a multitude of references and observations that are constantly filtering through my life, some stretching back forty years and counting. First and foremost I am a painter and therefore sought a visual mechanism to help me into the task. The bedroom window and the constant re-framing of the tree beyond helped as both a way into writing and as a practical demonstration of how universal and simple composition and framing can be. After all isn’t narrative a form of framing and doesn’t the narrative we hold of the world we live in determine how we act within the world? I also think it’s helpful to cite George W. S. Trow’s text, Within the context of no context, as an ever giving gift that I’ve returned to regularly since first reading. (Trow:1981, Within the context of no context)